This time around on Jill of All Trades, I show you how to make a simple felt bowl.  It’s a super simple craft that would be great for holding something decorative at home, using to hold a gift, or making with kids to teach simple sewing skills.

I started with felt that I bought off the bolt in a fabric store.  It’s a little heavier weight and stiffer than craft felt squares, although, if all you have is craft squares, those would certainly work, as well.

You’re also going to need some yarn or cord to gather the edge of the bowl.  I bought a heavy-duty chenille-type yarn because I wanted it to make a statement.  You might opt for something considerably thinner like a regular yarn, or some cording, or even embroidery floss.  It’s all up to you.

Start with cutting a circle out of your felt.  Using a pencil, I traced around the edge of a 12” cake pan to make my circle. Then I cut it out.

Next, you’ll need to mark where the holes are going to go.  The number of holes you use is up to you, as long as it’s even number.  I used 16 holes for my first one, and 32 for my second one.  Initially, I thought that 16 might not be enough, but then I wondered if 32 on my second one was too many. 

Realistically, anything between 16 and 24 is probably a good starting point.

Make sure your holes are evenly spaced and all the same distance from the edge of the felt. Once you have them all marked, you’re ready to cut them.  I did the first ones with scissors which took a little bit of time.  The second one, I cut them open with an Exacto knife, and that was WAY easier and faster.

Now you’re ready to start lacing the yarn through the holes on the edge of the bowl.  If you have a large needle that will work with your yarn, that will make things a lot easier and faster.  If you don’t have one, you can even use a piece of wire.  Just fold a small piece (3-4” long) in half and twist the ends together, leaving a loop at the end to put your yarn through. 

Now stitch the yarn around the edge, using a simple sewing stitch.   Just go in one hole and out the next, all the way around the bowl.  Once you’re all the way around, pull the yarn and gather the edges to make the bowl the size and shape that you wish.  You will probably have to play with it for a minute to get the gathers evenly spaced.  When you have it how you want it, you just need to tie it off.

You might want to tie your yarn off in a knot or a bow.  I like to knot the ends of the yarn, too, just to keep them from unraveling.

Ta-dah!  You’re done!  You’ve got a great little bowl to decorate with, to give as a gift, to hold your keys or wallet, or whatever.  You can even think about cool color combos to suit the seasons, your décor, or the occasion.  The possibilities are endless.