(NEWSnet/AP) — Prosecutors have dropped charges against a Louisiana state trooper accused of withholding graphic body-camera footage that shows another officer dragging motorist Ronald Greene by his ankle shackles during his deadly 2019 arrest.

Lt. John Clary, the ranking officer at the scene, has agreed to take the stand in the trial of Master Trooper Kory York, a former colleague charged with negligent homicide in the case. York is accused of forcing the heavyset Greene to lie facedown and handcuffed for more than nine minutes, which use-of-force experts said likely restricted his breathing.

It was not immediately clear why prosecutors dismissed the obstruction of justice indictment against Clary before he provides his testimony, and the single-paragraph dismissal makes no mention of his pledged cooperation.

York is expected to stand trial next year but is asking an appellate court to throw out his own indictment after prosecutors acknowledged a mistake by allowing a use-of-force expert to review protected statements York made during an internal affairs inquiry. 

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